is Shany Cosmetics Cruelty Free ? Shany's Response

HELLO BOOS, I recently reach out to Shany Cosmetics to find out if they are cruelty free, this is the response I got back from them. Any questions feel free to comment below.

It seem there answer all the questions but they do use palm oil they are getting back with me to see if its from an organic source. Which they will update with me later on the details of that. Other then that it looks like they pass the cruelty free answers and I would definitely consider them a Cruelty Free Company. 

Until next time.

-Mary V


Hello, My name is Mary Valentin. I am the writer for Lipsticks & Labradors (, a cruelty-free beauty blog. I am interested and would like to be assured that your products are cruelty-free. I have some questions I would appreciate you address. Please be sure to answer all of them as the answers you provide are very important to both my readers and myself. 

1. Does your company test ingredients or/and finished products on animals?
 2. Do you test ingredients or products on animals through a 3rd party? If your answer is no, how do you ensure that your manufacturers do not test? 
3. Do your manufacturers test ingredients or products on animals? 
4. Are you owned or affiliated with any companies that test products or ingredients on animals? 
5. Do you have a parent company? If so who are they? 
6. Do you/your parent company currently or have plans to market and sell your products in the Chinese market, which requires animal testing by law to sell in that country? 
7. Do you use palm oil/carnuaba wax in any of your products? If so, is it from an organic and sustainable source? 
8. Could you provide a list of all of your current vegan items available for purchase? Thank you in advance for you cooperation!


Dear info,
Thank you for contacting us! Let us answer your questions one by one 

1. Does your company test ingredients or/and finished products on animals? 

No we do not 

2. Do you test ingredients or products on animals through a 3rd party? If your answer is no, how do you ensure that your manufacturers do not test? 

No, all our manufacturers are cruelty-free certified 

3. Do your manufacturers test ingredients or products on animals? 


4. Are you owned or affiliated with any companies that test products or ingredients on animals? 


5. Do you have a parent company? If so who are they? 

No, we're privately owned 

6. Do you/your parent company currently or have plans to market and sell your products in the Chinese market, which requires animal testing by law to sell in that country? 

We currently do not have plans of selling our products to the Chinese market, but there is an option to send products to China (for individual purchases) 

7. Do you use palm oil/carnuaba wax in any of your products? If so, is it from an organic and sustainable source? 

We use palm oil in several of our products, but I will have to follow up with you later about the source 

8. Could you provide a list of all of your current vegan items available for purchase? Thank you in advance for you cooperation! 

At the moment, the complete list is unavailable. One of our in-house product specialists is currently developing a very detailed list of ingredients for each producst and their sources. If you have a question about the vegan status of specific products please email us, we can follow up with you as soon as possible. 


The SHANY Team

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