This one is self explainable. Your dreams are your dreams for a reason. They are what makes you happy, build it now, or you will helping someone else build there dream later in the future.

I can't stress enough on how important one positive thought could be. Why wake up full of yesterdays garbage. Its a new day for a reason. Wake up refresh! and tell your self today is a new day and I'm ready for anything! with this kinda thought in your head any negative thought in your head from yesterday is demolish!

Being beautiful is one thing but feeling beautiful on the inside is another. No matter who, what, when, and how. YOU are beautiful no matter what. Don't let society tell you anything different. Be who you are and paint the skies with your beauty.

There are times we feel like all is lost and our dreams don't matter. This is just a minor set back. all things happen with trial and errors. So get up and take a deeeep breath and try again. Remember all things are possible if you keep trying!

In this social media world, lots of girls are getting sucked in to the fame of twerking or fighting in videos or spending all there time on "selfies" then homework. Just know that all of that will not mean nothing 10 years from now, instead spend your time volunteering or doing something proactive. Let people know the real you and not whats "shaking" behind you.
Hope you enjoy my favorite life quotes! What are some of your favorite quotes you love? Comment them down below!
Until next time...
-Mary V
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