Are They Worth It? Makeup Setting Sprays.

Makeup Setting Sprays claim to keep your makeup in place all day, there also claim to keep your powders, concealers and even eyeshadows from melting off your face. If you live in Florida, like, me. You need these babies in your LIFE! With Spring and Summer soon approaching, these sprays will be a MUST in any girls collection. So I decided to put the two makeup setting sprays to the test to really see, Are They Worth It? 

What I Found:
I found that these sprays of course are Cruelty Free, made with natural ingredients to not only keep your makeup in place but to also help your skin in the process, they both have Vitamin A, C, & E, which are necessary ingredients to protect your skin. They both spray a fine mist to ensure coverage on the face. They didn't seem to take that long to dry on your face, I do recommend only spraying two sprays, because HELLO! you don't wanna to over spray your face. These sprays also to claim that they could be use a makeup hydrater to give you instant moisture to your face as well. 

Bottom Line:
After spending two days testing these products, they both to seem to do the trick in the hydrate department, I first spray my bare face with the product before putting on my makeup, and I instantly got a mist of freshness :)

As far as the setting part goes for these products, they really were amazing, It didn't stop my eyeshadow from creasing LOL, but it did help with the longevity of my makeup. Both products aim to please, which has me to believe that makeup setting sprays are totally worth it! I can't wait to try more setting sprays, as summer comes it way to Florida, I will definitely need more of these bad boys for sure. 

What are some of your favorite makeup setting sprays? Is there any you recommend ?
I would love to know, feel free to comment below. 

Until next time..

-Mary V

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